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Welcome to our Archives! Here you will find links to our past programs, meetings and other events.


February 16, 2022 - TOPIC: ‘The Evolution of Striped Roses’ by: Dr. Suni Bolar, CR.   - Dr. Suni Bolar’s presentation ‘The Evolution of Striped Roses’ covers the history of striped roses from the first ones discovered in the wild to the first ones bred and also their evolution to the modern striped roses. It will go over the work of several breeders in breeding these beauties. It will also touch upon the problems breeders face in breeding disease resistant striped roses.


March 16, 2022  - Topic-Fungicides In the Rose Garden-What You Need To Know.   Presenter: Carolyn Elgar, Master Rosarian.  Roses are our passion, and we love all types of roses. To grow beautiful roses and maintain a clean and lovely garden, we all need to use various types of garden products to help with maintenance. Most roses will develop some type of fungal disease during the growing season—no matter where you live or what types of roses you grow. Fungicides are a necessary product we need to use to eliminate the disease or prevent the fungal spores from spreading and causing extensive damage. In this presentation, you will learn more about what types of fungicides either contact or systemic are available to protect your roses by preventing fungal diseases and how to attack the blackspot and powdery mildew once they are established in the rose garden.

This presentation will give you tips and strategies to begin early and ensure that you protect your roses in early spring and into the summer season.


April 20, 2022    TOPIC: Recent and Anticipated Introductions of Beautiful, Disease Resistant Roses

and How to Get Them! Presenter: Pat Shanley-Past President of the American Rose Society

This will be an exciting and timely presentation for all of us who want to add new roses to our gardens that are disease resistant and that are easy to maintain. Pat Shanley has been promoting easy care and beautiful roses in a “NO SPRAY” garden for many years. Pat Shanley is a Past President of the

American Rose Society and is current President of the Manhattan Rose Society, a Horticulture and an Ar­rangement Judge. Pat has created a beautiful “No Spray” garden in her home in New York and her roses look and perform beautifully from spring to fall. Come and learn more about how to select these beautiful roses for your garden.


SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2022    Our first in-person meeting will be held at the Maple Shade Municipal Building, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ 08052 from 1 to 4 pm. Light lunch & refreshments will be served.  THE PRINTED ROSE SHOW SCHEDULE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AND ENTRY TAGS FOR THE EXHIBITS.

Topic- Preparation for our annual Rose Show. Get your roses ready for the exhibit table and for the design table.

This panel presentation will give you tips on how to select your best roses for various exhibit classes--- hybrid teas, floribundas, shrubs, climbers, miniatures and minifloras.

We all have exhibit worthy roses---preparing them is the key to blue ribbons and those exciting trophies too. YOU can be an award-winning exhibitor---what you need is planning time and some good roses. Come on out and hear the panel presentation, so you can help make this the best Rose Show ever.!

Panel: Bill Kozemchak—HEAD CLERK—Master Rosarian, Horticulture Judge and award-winning exhibitor and recipient of the ARS Award for Educating Members. Bill will give you his best advise on how he preps his beautiful roses for the rose show. Bill is an award-winning exhibitor who will bring you up to date on the latest tips for judging roses. What do the judges look for ---what gets that blue ribbon? What to avoid and what to do to get that perfect score.

Iliana Okum—ARTISTIC DESIGN CHAIR—Master Rosarian, Horticulture Judge and Apprentice Ar- rangement Judge and award-winning designer will share ideas and tips on how to craft beautiful de- signs to enter in the Design Section of the Rose Show. She will review the Design Section of the Show Schedule and the various classes---Traditional, Modern, East Asian, standard or miniature classes. YOU can have fun and create winning designs.

Terry Palise—ROSE SHOW CHAIR—Master Rosarian, Horticulture Judge and Arrangement Judge. Ter- ry Palise is an award-winning exhibitor. She will bring you up to date on all the details of the ROSE SHOW location, schedule, and the committees and the tasks they will undertake to set up, organize and run a successful show. Be a part of the fun---come on out and learn and volunteer to make this the best rose show ever.


Our rose show will be held at the Maple Shade Municipal Building, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ 08052 from 1-5 PM

All members and the public are invited to participate and enjoy the beauty of our roses.  An information table will be set up to give out free materials on membership, rose garden maintenance, and selection of roses for your garden.


JULY--NO REGULAR MEETING  Enjoy your roses!


Saturday, August 20, 2022--1-4 PM--Chemical Safety Program by Bruce Monroe

This program will count as 1 credit to meet the Consulting Rosarian requirements of the American Rose Society for existing CRs.

We all use chemicals in our daily lives. Chemicals can be used safely, and we should know how to use them espe- cially in our rose gardens. In this program, you will learn about the various uses of chemicals in our gardens and how to use them safely. It is important to know how and when to use various

products, and to follow the instructions supplied by the makers of chemical products. Staying informed and knowledgeable about changes in the use of chemicals and laws that protect consumers are important steps for all rose growers and especially for consulting rosarians.



Saturday, September 24, 2022--1-4 PM   Selecting Roses and Designing an Award Winning Rose Garden by Satish Prabhu

Have you ever wondered how and why some rose gardens look so beautiful all year and how the roses were se- lected to grace those gardens? Selecting the right roses for your rose garden requires knowledge and experience. Deciding how to plant and how to design the garden for maximum effect to showcase your beautiful roses is something all rose growers need to learn. In this presentation, we will get a close look at how one of the top ex- hibitors of the American Rose Society has planned his beautiful rose         gardens over the years and how he has selected award winning roses for that garden. Come on out and get some real ideas for how you too can create an award-winning rose garden.



Panel Presentation by Members of Penn Jersey District: Bonnie Bishop, Bill Kozemchak & Jason Capote

Virtual Presentation 7:00 PM followed by WJRS meeting

Whether its’ early spring or the middle of summer, there are challenges in the rose garden.

What are your biggest challenges in the rose garden?

Dead canes on your favorite hybrid teas that did not survive our northeast winter?

March or April freezes that kill off the new growth shoots on your rose plants?

Too many aphids and other insects emerging too quickly? What to do now?

Should you spray (May or June) as a prevention for black spot or wait till you see evidence to spray?

How to plant that beautiful climber? Next to the fence or provide lots of room for growth?

What is the best way to prevent that awful midge that sneaks up during June---and results in no blooms in your garden!

Drought time---July and August and no rain---What to do?

Fertilizing roses for rebloom cycle –How and when to do it?

Mid-Season Pruning—How to stimulate roses for September shows.

Come on out to this meeting and hear how our experienced members: Bill Kozemchak, Jason Capote, Bonnie Bishop, work to solve problems and overcome challenges to maintain their fabulous gardens.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022    WINTERIZING ROSES---SOME TIPS FOR PROTECTING YOUR ROSES THIS WINTER,   by Mike Fuss, Consulting Rosarian, Connecticut Rose Society

This meeting will be a virtual presentation starting at 7 PM followed by WJRS meeting.

As winter approaches in the coming months, rose growers in the northeast and other parts of  the United States, where there are severe winters work hard to protect their roses from freezing. Certain roses are more susceptible to winter damage and these roses are more likely to die by springtime. So, what can you do to protect your roses to avoid losing them to winter freezes?

In this presentation, Mike Fuss, Master Consulting Rosarian, Horticultural Judge, and avid rose grower from Connecticut will share his techniques and steps used to protect his rose garden. He will describe the types of roses he grows in his Zone 6 garden and the schedule he follows to begin the protection process. Not all roses need protection. Modern shrubs that have been in the ground for several years, climbers, and hardy old garden roses can survive in cold weather and can withstand the windy conditions that accompany freezing temperatures in New England. But if you have added new roses this past spring such as hybrid teas, floribundas, and miniatures---you may need to have a plan in place to protect your precious new rose plants. Attend this meeting and find out what you can do now to begin a winterizing process for your roses.


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2021  -  TOPIC: How to Propagate Roses for Your Garden---Easy Steps so you can add roses to the garden.  PRESENTER: Bill Kozemchak


WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 TOPIC: Get Ready for our WJRS 2021 Rose Exhibition/EXPO on May 30, 2021, PRESENTER: Terry Palise.   Come ready to discuss the preparation steps and details for our first ever ROSE EXPO to be held at Burlington County Fair Grounds in Burlington County New Jersey. All members of Penn Jersey District are invited to bring roses to exhibit and share with the members of WJRS and the public. No judging, just beautiful roses to be shared, admired and to learn more about them.



PRESENTER: BALDO VILLEGAS, ENTOMOLOGIST AND MASTER ROSARIAN.  There are many beneficial insects in any garden. Come and learn how to identify and benefit from beneficial insects in your garden this season. Knowing which insects can be helpful in the garden is key to having a balanced ecosystem that benefits your roses and pollinators and makes it easier to sustain your roses with less spraying.




August 18, 2021 - VIRTUAL TOUR OF OUR ROSE GARDENS AND FAVORITE HARDY AND DISEASE RESISTANT ROSES-- ILIANA OKUM, MASTER ROSARIAN.  An inhouse virtual tour of member gardens and public gardens visited this season and a reflection of highlights of 2020-2021. Member favorite roses will also be featured in the presentation with an emphasis on hardy disease resistant cultivars.



September 15 2021 -  THE DELIGHT OF MINIATURE AND MINI-FLORA ROSES,  PRESENTER: SUZANNE M. HORN, MASTER ROSARIAN.   Suzanne Horn returns to bring us a presentation that captures the beauty and unique qualities of these miniature gems for our gardens. We will see and learn more about what are the award winning minia­tures and mini-floras we may want to add to our rose gardens.



50/50 Raffle -  This fundraiser is underway and we have received return ticket stubs and checks from 20 members so far and we thank you. You still have time to sell your tickets and make your check payable to WJRS and mail it to Iliana Okum, 8 Bennington Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505 by September 20th. The raffle award will take place at our October 9, 2021 picnic. We look forward to all mem­bers participating.





PRESENTER: RACHEL BURLINGTON   Rachel will visit with us and bring us a unique perspective about the beautiful roses that are featured in the Portland Oregon Rose Garden with an emphasis on shrub roses.


November 17th 2021 - INTRODUCTION TO THE BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE POLYANTHAS IN THE ROSE GARDEN  PRESENTER: MICHAEL MITCHELL, MASTER ROSARIAN  •Polyanthas are fascinating roses with unique characteristics that let them shine in any rose garden. •From the beauty and lovely blooms of ‘The Fairy,’ to the fabulous shows put on by‘MlleCecile Bruner’ and ‘Perle D’Or’---these polyanthas are worthy of a place in your garden.  •Come and learn more so that you can include them in your landscape and enjoy


December 17th 2021 - This meeting is a virtual meeting and participation is key to this lively and fun meeting. We will begin with a virtual tour of some lovely roses from a young and creative rose breeder, Dave Bang. This is a treat for the senses---colorful roses and music to make you smile while you sip your holiday drink. Then we will take a break while members get ready to share some recipes of favorite cocktails or deserts. Beth Ann Mills and Judy Goss will coordinate the awarding of door prizes to the members who share with us their recipes of colorful libations and treats Next, we will take another virtual tour of a rose garden we will plan to visit in spring 2022. You will want to see the lovely roses and garden beds of this Pennsylvania garden. Finally , to complete this interactive December Holiday program, for those who really want to dream of roses and far off places, ---and maybe get a head start in planning a fabulous rose themed vacation, we will have some information from the Paul Zimmerman Rose website---the rose expert about English Manor Tours coming up next spring to the United Kingdom gardens.




January 2020, no meeting:

Enjoy Rose Catalogs and Rose Books, Clean and Organize Your Tools - and rest up for spring!

Pancake Breakfast Buffet, Saturday February 15, 8 am -10 am, Applebee’s Restaurant, 108 Haddonfield Rd, Cherry Hill. Fund raiser to support your West Jersey Rose Society, $10 per person, raffle baskets will be available.


WJRS Monthly Meeting Wednesday, February 19, 2020
“Benefits of Dormant Oils, Neem Oil in the Rose Garden” How and when to use organic horticultural Oils to Prevent Disease and Insect Damage.   Sample  organic products and where to purchase them. 
Discussion on Spring and summer garden visits:  The Wyck Rose Garden, PA, May 2020; Hershey  Rose Garden, PA , June 2020; and Visits to Member Rose Gardens,  late spring and June 2020.

In-Person Meetings and member garden visits canceled until further notice.


WJRS Monthly Meeting Saturday March 14 - 9:45 am to 1:00 pm POSTPONED
“Creating Prize Winning Photographs”
Burlington County Library, 5 Pioneer Boulevard, Westampton, NJ 08060  Phone: (609) 267-9660 .

Saturday. April 4,2020 “Arrangements and Design Workshop” at Iliana Okum’s House for Design Participants. CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC


WJRS Monthly Meeting Wednesday, April 15, 2020 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC
Preparing the Rose Garden for the Season -Pruning, Amending the Soil, Fertilizing, & Evaluating the Condition of Your Roses - panel discussion.


ROSE DAY Saturday, May 2 Haines Farm and Garden Center, 196 Route 130 N, Cinnaminson, NJ,  (856) 829-8333 9:00 to 12:00 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC


ROSE DAY Saturday, May 9 Magnolia Garden Village, 405 S Rt 30, Magnolia, NJ, 9:00 to 12:00 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC


ROSE DAY Saturday, May 9 Burlington County Garden EXPO. 8:30 to 12:00 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC


ROSE DAY Saturday, May 23 McNaughton’s Garden Center,351 Kresson Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ, (856)-429-6745, 9:00 to 12:00 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC


WJRS Monthly Meeting Wednesday, May 20, 2020 - CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC
Prepping Your Best Roses for the Rose Show: Tips and Tools for Blue Ribbons

Wednesday, May 27 Wyck Rose Gardens visit  CANCELED DUE TO COVID PANDEMIC
11:30am. 6026 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19144, 215-848-1690. We’ll car pool for a 40 minute guided tour with the Wyck Rosarian, followed by a picnic lunch. $8.00 pp.


WJRS Annual ROSE SHOW - Holly Room, Medford Leas - All Members invited to exhibit.


Saturday, June 27, 7 pm
GoToMeeting On-line Rose Show of members’ photos from this year’s gardens,
including photos from this year’s WJRS Rose Sale.


September 12th 2020 Penn-Jersey District’s Annual Meeting held on September 12th at 10 am via Zoom.


WJRS Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, Oct 21,  “Best On-line Rose Nurseries.”  Select and order beautiful and unusual roses on-line and have them delivered right to your home!  Our own Consulting Rosarians, Bill Kozemchak, Tom Mayhew, and Terry Palise show us how to select from the best on-line rose nurseries.


WJRS Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, Nov 18,  Jason Capote, discussed Fragrant Roses. Everyone’s favorites!


WJRS Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, December 16, Annual Holiday Party!  Prizes awarded for Best Ugly Sweater, holiday recipes, and Rose Trivia.



February 20 WJRS Meeting, “What to do about your garden Dilemmas” panel of WJRS Consuting Rosarians, discussion of your garden problems. POSTPONED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER


March 20 WJRS Meeting, “What to do about your Garden Dilemmas” panel of WJRS Consuting Rosarians, discussion of your garden problems.


WJRS Rose Sale pickup, Saturday, April 13 from 9:30 to 12:00 PM at the Medford Leas Tennis Courts and Greenhouse. click here for the order form


April 17 WJRS Meeting, Exhibiting Roses in Challenge Classes -- How to Exhibit Shrubs and Climbers, and preparing photos for competition. 


May 15 WJRS Meeting, Preparing for the Rose Show -- Overview of our New Rose Show location at Medford Leas, Clerk training, Preparing Your Rose Garden for the Season (Planting New Roses, Amending the Soil, Pruning, Fertilizing and Watering).


Sunday, May 26, Open House Garden visits with Master Rosarians, Tom mayhew and Bill Kozemchak


Saturday, June 1, 66th Annual WJRS Rose Show, Medford Leas Click here for Rose Show results.


Saturday, June 29, Visit and picnic at the Rudolph W van der Goot Rose Garden with Garden Manager and WJRS member, Shauna Moore as our guide.


Sunday, June 30, Annual WJRS Awards Picnic, home of Terry and Frank Palise


August 29, WJRS Meeting, Checklist for Rose Maintenance in Summer: Panel Discussion with Rosarians Bill Kozemchak and June Hament  and Update on Rose Society and Penn-Jersey District Activities


Wednesday 18, 2019, WJRS Meeting
“Beautiful Blooms to Share“ New Rose Introductions from Jackson and Perkins, STAR Roses, and Weeks Roses.**Plant Exchange - garden plants to share with other members**


SATURDAY, October 19, 2019 10 AM to 1 PM
Miniature and Miniflora Roses, Presented by Dr. Suni Bolar, Consulting Rosarian,

Member of Jersey Shore Rose Society and West Jersey Rose Society
LOCATION:  Burlington County Library, 5 Pioneer Blvd. Westhampton, NJ, 609 267-9660
Short Trustees Meeting at 10:00, presentation at 10:30 AM.


SATURDAY, November 9, 11 AM to 1:30 PM
Highlights of a Spring Trip to English Rose Gardens with Paul Zimmerman of Jackson & Perkins Roses including Sissinghurst Castle Garden, Ashley Manor Garden, David Austin Rose Garden
Presented by:  Mary and Tim Hahn, Jersey Shore Rose Society
LOCATION:  Maple Shade Library, 200 Stiles Avenue, Maple Shade, NJ, 856-779-9767
Short meeting at 10:30 AM, Presentation at 11 AM followed by refreshments.


WEDNESDAY, December 4, WJRS Annual Holiday Banquet, Houlihan’s, Cherry Hill, 6:30 pm.


No WJRS Meeting in January

Wednesday February 21, WJRS February Meeting,
“Benefits of Companion Plants in Your Rose Garden: Three Rose Gardens Featuring Perrenials and Annuals for Year-round Bloom” Iliana Okum 


Wednesday March 21, WJRS March Meeting, “Planning for the June Rose Show Begins Now.” Learn the tricks and strategies used by experienced exhibitors for CHALLENGE CLASSES - Canceled due to snow!


Wednesday April 18, 2018, WJRS April Meeting
“Colorful Plants that Attract Pollinators Into the Rose Garden”
Presentation by Jeannie Geremia, Vice President of State Garden Clubs of New Jersey, Chair of the Wildlife Habitat Committee


WJRS Meeting May 16, 2018
“Enjoying Fragrant Roses and Highlights of the Rudolph van der Goot Rose Garden” Presentation by Shauna Claire Moore, Garden Manager


June, 2018 - no meeting (see Rose Show, below)


WJRS Annual Rose Show, Saturday, June 2, 2018, Moorestown Mall


WJRS Meeting July, 2018 - no meeting


WJRS Annual Awards Picnic –Fun with the Whole Family - June 30 at Terry and Frank Palise home.


WJRS Meeting September 19, 2018 - Master Gardener Mike Haberland spoke about water conservation, mulching and use of rain barrels in the garden.


SATURDAY, September 29, RUDOLPH VAN DER GOOT ROSE GARDEN - private visit for WJRS members and friends, contact Iliana Okum, 609 731 8309, or Judy Goss 540 226 0383, for more information


WJRS Meeting October 17, 2018 - “Challenges in the Fall Rose Garden--What Rose Should Stay and What Should Go” Diane Wilkerson, Master Rosarian, Horticulture Judge, and ARS Roses in Review Chair, talked about Roses in Review  and various rose Performance Ratings. She discussed which roses do well in our area and we enjoyed member roses at our In-House Rose Show


WJRS Meeting November 21, 2018 - STAR ROSES—Regional Representative David Alm of STAR ROSES introduced us to the New STAR Roses from the Top Hybridizers.


WJRS Annual Holiday Banquet, December 5, 2018 - Cafe Fontana in Maple Shade, 30 E. Main Street, Maple Shade, NJ 08052. Full buffet, raffle baskets, $35/pp


Wednesday February 15, WJRS February Meeting,

Saturday March 25, WJRS March Meeting,
Curtis Aumiller, Consulting Rosarian, Horticulture & Arrangement Judge and the American Rose Society National Photography Judge:
“A ROSE PHOTO is Worth a Thousand Words”
Maple Shade Library 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Wednesday April 19, WJRS April Meeting,  Annual Meeting

Members Rose Sale Pick-up Saturday, April 22 at the Medford Leas Greenhouse and Tennis Courts area.


Wednesday May 17, 2017, 7 pm, WJRS Monthly Meeting
PREPARATION FOR ROSE SHOW : Have Fun Showing Your Roses and Win Blue Ribbons too!
Andrew Hearne and Bill Kozemchak, both experienced and talented award-winning exhibitors who truly enjoy sharing what they know works well in exhibiting roses.
made a presentation about how to grow, select and prepare your best blooms, how to protect them from the weather, how to transport them safely to the show, and some new entry classes in this year’s show.
Anyone can enter their roses in a Rose Show - have more fun -- and maybe win a trophy!

Saturday, June 3, 2017, 1:30 - 5:30 pm

The Largest Rose Show in the Delaware Valley!
Sears Court at the Moorestown Mall
Hundreds of Roses on Display, Beautiful Rose Arrangements, Expert Rose Growing Advice, Beautiful Cut Roses Available
Click here for ScheduleRose Show Results or contact us at

No June Monthly Meeting

Sunday, July 23, Annual Awards Picnic, 1 pm, at home of Terry and Frank Palise


Wednesday, August 16, Rose Show Results and photos, and Ice Cream Social


Wednesday, September 20, In-House Rose Show


Wednesday, October 18, Panel Discussion “Tips and Techniques to Winterize your Roses: Three Gardens/Three Gardeners” With WJRS members, Bill Kozemchak, Terry Palise, and June Hament


Wednesday, November 15, WJRS November Meeting
“Steps and Strategies for Composting To Enrich Garden Soil”
Presentated by Diane Wilkerson, Vice President, Jersey Shore Rose Society Consulting Rosarian and  Horticultural Judge.


WJRS Annual Holiday Celebration, Wednesday, December 6, Carlucci’s Restaurant, Mount Laurel, NJ


WJRS Meeting, Wednesday, February 17
Brian McDonald, a Rutgers Master Gardener presented what to look for in our soil, how intensive soil testing is done, and the proper way to analyze our rose bed soil to help us to grow better roses.


WJRS Meeting, Wednesday, March 16
“Improve your Garden Soil Organically--Grow Better Roses - Part 2.”  When was the last time you amended your soil? Have you considered going Organic?  Monica Pape, Agronomist with Fertrell Company shared an informative and entertaining program about amending our garden soil with organics.


WJRS Meeting, Wednesday, April 20
“WJRS Annual Meeting” and “Consulting Rosarian Giude to using Chemicals in the Garden”

Saturday April 23, WJRS Rose Sale Pick-up, from 9:30am until Noon at Medford Leas Greenhouse & Tennis Courts, Medford, NJ


WJRS Meeting, Wednesday, May 18
“Rose Show Tips: Have Fun Showing Your Roses and Win Blue Ribbons too!’
Come and learn from your friends how to prepare your roses and get them to the Rose Show. We’ll talk about how to select and prepare your best blooms, starting NOW, how to protect them from the weather, how to transport them safely to the show, and we’ll tell you about some new entry classes in this year’s show.  You’ll see that anyone can enter their roses in a Rose Show - you’ll have more fun – and maybe win a trophy!


Saturday, June 4, 63rd WJRS Annual Rose Show
1:30 - 5:30 pm, Sears Court at the Moorestown Mall
Free, open to the Public,New exhibitors welcome!
Hundreds of Roses on Display, Beautiful Rose Arrangements, Expert Rose Growing Advice, Cut and Potted Roses Available. The Largest Rose Show in the Delaware Valley.
Click here for Rose Show Results


2016 WJRS Awards Picnic, June 25, Noon - 5 pm, potluck, Terry and Frank Palise’s Home and Rose Garden


WJRS Meeting, Wednesday, August 17
Join us for a virtual tour of the roses that are blooming and doing well in our member rose gardens. Members shared tips on the design and maintenance of their gardens.  We also shared the photos of the top photography winners at the July Mini National Convention in Grantville, Pennsylvania.


WJRS Meeting, 7 pm, Wednesday October 19
Bruce Monroe, member of our society, past National Chair of Horticultural Judges, Master Consulting Rosarian, current Chair of Penn-Jersey District Horticultural Judges, and President of the Del-Chester Rose Society for many years presented his experience judging the roses at the Biltmore International Rose Trials in Asheville, North Carolina on September 24, 2016. Bruce also shared with us the history of the Biltmore Rose Garden, a 120 year old garden with more than 150 varieties from growers and breeders around the world.


WJRS November Meeting - SATURDAY, November 19,
NOTE:  SPECIAL DATE and LOCATION!! Cherry Hill Library, 12 pm - 3 pm.
Light refreshments provided
Our speaker was Ken Borrmann, a Philadelphia Rose Society member, and a very successful horticultural exhibitor at the local, district, and national level. He brings his exquisitely beautiful roses to our annual rose show in June every year and typically sweeps the court with his amazing hybrid teas, minifloras, and miniatures. Ken shared with us his rose growing system, his very successful practices and rose care methods, and how he selects his roses for each new season and for rose shows.

Wednesday,December 14, 7 pm
WJRS HOLIDAY PARTY at AMICI, Taste of Italy Ristorante
306 Kresson Rd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034


February 18 WJRS Meeting - cancelled due to weather


March 18 WJRS Meeting - Two Interesting Topics
“New Rose Introductions for 2015"  - a close look at some new roses and slides of roses available in our 2015 rose sale and “Getting The Garden Ready For Spring Blooms.”


April 15 WJRS Meeting
“Staging Your Entries—Horticulture and Artistic Designs”


April 25, WJRS Rose Sale pick-up, Medford Leas. 2015 order form.

May 20 WJRS Meeting
“Preparing for the Rose Show: Rose Show Prep —Tools, Tips, Timelines, & Rose Show Schedule Review” presented by Gus Banks


June 6, Annual WJRS Rose Show, Moorestown Mall.  Click here for Show Results


June 17 Meeting - meeting cancelled


in the Rose Garden at Stellwag’s Hidden Acres Farm (CLOSED NOW)
Members and guests wandered in Stellwag’s beautiful Rose Gardens, enjoyed delicious treats provided by our members, sipped iced tea in the gazebo and had a lovely afternoon with our friends.


August 19 WJRS Meeting
“Propagating Your Favorite Roses,” presentation prepared by Pam Coath


September 16 WJRS Meeting
“In-House Rose Show”


Saturday, October 10, 1-3 pm, WJRS October Meeting
“Cooking with Roses: Beneficial Uses For Health and Beauty—Some Facts and Precautions”
Mary Hahn, President of the Jersey Shore Rose Society, presented us with lots of information on rose hips and recipes for cooking with roses. She brought delicious recipes to sample, including two types of rose petal salsa, teas, and rose petal tarts.


November 18 WJRS Meeting
A panel of WJRS Rosarians spoke about their garden preparation checklist for winter transitionand answered questions about garden cleanup, watering, transplanting, and use of chemicals to prevent fungus diseases from overwintering.


December 16 WJRS Meeting - HOLIDAY PARTY!
Tarantella Ristorante, MEDFORD PLAZA



WJRS February Meeting, Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Bill Kozemchak, published winner of many photo competitions, made a PowerPoint presentation on the current American Rose Society photo contest winners and shared some rose recommendations and photography hints with us.


WJRS March Meeting, Wednesday, March 19 “Spring Pruning and This Very Unusual Winter”
A panel of Consulting Rosarians gave advice and updates on assessing winter damaged roses, when to prune, early spring spray programs, and winterization removal timing.


WJRS April Meeting, Wednesday, April 16 “Rose Show Clerk School”
A team of Consulting Rosarians presented an overview of the responsibilities of the Rose Show clerks, runners, and information, and registration table volunteers in a local as well as during a mini national convention rose show.


WJRS May Meeting, Wednesday, May 21 “Exhibiting Tips”
Consulting Rosarian, Brenna Bosch demonstrated techniques for prepping and manipulating your roses into blue ribbon candidates for the upcoming Rose Shows.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

West Jersey Rose Society
61th Anniversary Annual Rose Show

photos by Dee Bosch >

Saturday, June 7, 2014
Another Successful Show!

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers and visitors
for a beautiful day to remember! Click for Show results


WJRS June Meeting, Wednesday, June 18  Two Great Workshops!
“How to Plan and Prepare Minis and Mini Floras for the July

National Miniature Convention’s Rose Show” and “How to Plan

the Design, the Container, the Backboard and Underlay For A Winning Arrangement”
A panel of Rosarians presented the tried and true methods they use to prepare those winning entries. Bring your questions! and
Iliana Okum, Design Chair led a workshop to help you plan your mini designs with the elements of design — from composition, form, line, space, pattern, colors, texture. Bring your materials to create your backboards and underlays and leave with your ideas in mind to get those designs ready for the show. Bring your toolbox, mini and miniflora roses, if you have some, and your fabrics and boards. Our goal is to inspire one another to get those designs ready. Come out and have some FUN!


ARS 2014 National Miniature Rose Convention & Show, July 25-27
Abby’s Angel by Gus Banks >
hosted by West Jersey Rose Society
Hotel ML, 915 Rt., 73, Mt. Laurel, NJ  08054
Contact: Gus Banks, 609-267-3809


West Jersey Rose Society Members Picnic (Rose Show

Awards), Sunday, August 24, Stellwag’s Hidden Acres Farm,

116 Hartford Rd, Delran, NJ 08075 (856) 764-7800

WJRS September Meeting, Wednesday, September 17


WJRS October Meeting, Wednesday, October 15
Ken Hutz, Certified Arborist for the Barton Arboretum and Nature Preserve of Medford Leas shared how trees and shrubs can beautify the garden and provide seasonal interest while buffering noise pollution. Trees and plants can provide shade, can prevent erosion, as well as frame views and screen eyesores in the landscape. Attractive trees and well designed gardens can increase property value. Ken discussed the benefits of maintaining healthy and well pruned trees and shrubs as well as fertilization, disease treatments and IPM-based treatments for the garden.
Contact Ken with questions about your favorite trees or send photos of damage or disease to or check his web site
                                                                                                                  Golden Rain Tree - Medford Leas

WJRS November Meeting, Wednesday, November 19

WJRS President Terry Palise shared her secrets of creating a

new rose bed to defeat the beautiful but evil Bambi who devoured

her existing rose bed how she successfully transplanting roses in

late fall. We also discussed winterizing techniques


WJRS December Meeting, Wednesday, December 17
Annual Holiday Party and Potluck


WJRS February Meeting, Wednesday, February 20  - “Companion Plants for Roses”
Mary McKnight, a professional landscape designer, Master Gardener and Board member of the Philadelphia Rose Society share ideas and photos using roses in different garden areas and non-rose plants to highlight your roses and provide color when your roses are not blooming.  Learn more about Mary McKnight and her company, Ideas in Bloom.

Mary McKnight’s Garden >

WJRS March Meeting, Wednesday, March 20 - “The Rosarian’s

Gardening Tools”
Master Rosarian and Horticultural Judge, Gus Banks will share

valuable insights on the what, when, how, and why of proper tool use

and maintenance to increase the success and health of your roses.

WJRS April Meeting, Wednesday, April 17 -  Annual Meeting and “Rose Show Arrangements & Rose Show Exhibiting” Attendees can choose one of two presentations:
A demonstration of rose arranging and how to use recycled containers for unusual arrangements, or a round table discussion on rose exhibiting resources both in print and on the internet.


Rose Day, Magnolia Garden Village, Saturday May 11, Noon - 2 pm


Rose Day, Spotts Hardware and Garden Center, Sunday May 12, 1 pm - 3 pm


WJRS May Meeting, Wednesday, May 15 - “How to pick your best blooms for the Rose Show”
So you have a bush full of roses (lucky you!). How do you decide which is the best one to cut and bring to the rose show? 
Come play the WJRS game “Pick the Best One”. Stations of three roses will be set up around the room illustrating one aspect of the rose bloom that judges consider. Attendees will write down their “best one” guess on their scorecards.  Our veteran judges, Bill Kozemchak, Tom Mayhew and Gus Banks will reveal the answers and explain the reasoning for that choice. Once you know the key elements of a perfect bloom, it will make choosing blooms much easier.
The plant exchange/sale is on! Bring in plants to share: common or exotic, indoor or outdoor, started violet or rose cuttings, new starts from your garden; bulbs, etc. Place them in a container you don’t want back, tagged with the plant’s name.  We are asking a $2 donation to the WJRS for each new plant you take home.


Rose Day, Haines Farm and Garden Center, Sunday May 19, 11 am - 1 pm


WJRS Annual Rose Show, Saturday, May 25, Moorestown Mall. Thank you, all!

2013 WJRS Queen of Show - Kardinal,

grown by Bill Kozemchak photo by Tom Mayhew >


Rose Day, Laurel Oak Garden Center, Saturday, June 1, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

WJRS June Meeting, Wednesday, June 19 - “All About Growing Roses”
Bring your questions to our round table Q & A session on any topic about growing your roses.
Wondering what bugs are the worst this season? Wondering when to cut back your roses for the District Show?  Wondering how to keep your roses looking good during the hot summer?
  Consulting rosarians and members will share their observations and best practices


WJRS July Meeting - no meeting


WJRS Annual Banquet, Wednesday, July 17


WJRS August Meeting, Wednesday August 21
“A Sampling of Rose You-Tube Videos”


Penn-Jersey District Convention, September 6-8, ML Hotel, Mt. Laurel, NJ
Hosted by the West Jersey Rose Society on September 6-8, 2013. The convention will be held at The Hotel ML, 915 Route 73, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054,, 856-234-7300.  On Friday there will be an ARS Horticulture Judging School followed by dinner Friday evening.  Saturday, the 7th, will feature the District Rose Show. The Show will be open for entries 6 am - 10:30 am and open for pubic viewing at 1 pm.  There will be programs in the afternoon followed by dinner that evening. On Sunday there will be a morning breakfast followed by the District Business Meeting. An open garden tour will be available after the meeting. Click here for Registration formSchedule of EventsHorticultural DivisionDesign Division and Photography Division Schedules.
Click here for 2013 Penn-Jersey District Rose Show Results.


WJRS September Meeting, Wednesday  September 18
“Poison Ivy - ARGHHH!”
We are itching just thinking about this topic. The Poison Ivy Horticulturalist, Umar Mycka, spoke to us about that sneaky garden foe, poison ivy.  Mr. Mycka  has a wonderful website with spine-tingling photos of monster poison ivy -


WJRS October Meeting, Wednesday October16
“Informal In-House Rose Show”
Members brought in autumn roses from their gardens to share with the group. This was an opportunity for members and friends to find out exactly what judges look for when judging a rose.


WJRS November Meeting, Wednesday November 20
“Winterizing your Garden”
Gus Banks will share his tips and tricks for keeping your roses safe and warm through a long, cold winter.


WJRS DecemberMeeting, Wednesday, December 18
“Holiday Party”
Celebrate our well-deserved break from rose tending and the winter holidays with friends and fellow rosarians. There will be lots of laughter - Rose  Pictionary with our game host, Gus Banks.
Prizes for all participants!  Bring some holiday cookies to eat at the party. If you wish, bring another dozen on a separate plate for the cookie exchange.And we will have themed gift baskets to win!


WJRS February Meeting, Wednesday, February 15
“Rose Garden Visits Outside of the Philadelphia/South Jersey Area”
How have roses around the country fared during these past two unusual weather years? Our members have visited rose gardens up north and down south and shared their photos with us on the big screen.  Plus there were pictures of our local members’ gardens as well as those of fellow ARS members from around the country.  Brenna Bosch presented a PowerPoint photo show with comments from Bill Kozemchak, Tom Mayhew

and others.

E.M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden, Syracuse, NY
photo by Bill Kozemchak >

Sue Gebelein and Iliana Okum presented a hands-on workshop showing us fun ways to create a design for the Rose Show.
Master Consulting Rosarian Bill Kozemchak talked about his special pruning techniques and pruning changes due to the odd weather patterns we have had this year.

Felco F-2 Classic Manual Hand Pruner >
(available from Amazon)

West Jersey Rose Society Public Lecture Series:  Growing

and Caring for Roses
March 25, Sunday, 2:00 pm
Bordentown Public Library, 18 East Union Street, Bordentown, NJ 08505
Bill Kozemchak, Master Consulting Rosarian

West Jersey Rose Society Public Lecture Series:  Growing and Caring for Roses
March 28, Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Monroe Township Free Public Library, 713 Marsha Avenue, Williamstown, NJ 08094
Brenna Bosch, Consulting Rosarian

WJRS April Meeting, Wednesday, April 18 - Annual Meeting and special guest speaker, Nicole Juday, "Made in China - How One Rose Started A Revolution." Also bring your potted cuttings for a Members’ Plant Exchange.

Consulting Rosarian School, Saturday, May 5, 9 am - 5 pm
Lumberton, NJ. Contact Gus Banks at 609-267-3809 or email at

Rose Days:

Sunday May 6, Magnolia Garden Village, Magnolia, NJ
Sunday May 13, Haines Farm & Garden, Cinnaminson, NJ
Wednesday May 23, Laurel Oak Garden Center, Marlton, NJ, 6:30 pm, featuring: Zack Baxter, Medford Nurseries, “Romancing the Rose“
Saturday June 1, Spotts Garden Center, Medford, NJ
              Click here for more information.


West Jersey Rose Society Public Lecture Series:  Growing and Caring for Roses
May 13, Sunday, 2:00 pm
Cinnaminson Public Library, 1619 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, NJ
Gus Banks, Master Consulting Rosarian

WJRS May meeting, Wednesday, May 16 -“Tips and Tricks for Preserving and Transporting Your Best Blooms to the Rose Show”
Our panel of trophy winning Rose Show exhibitors (Suni Bolar, June Hament

& Tom Mayhew) shared what they do the week before the show. Topics

included protecting blooms on the bush, last minute feeding, when to cut

blooms, keeping blooms fresh until the rose show, transporting rose blooms

safely, and creating your “battle plan” for the morning of the show.


59th Annual West Jersey Rose Society Rose Show, Saturday May 26, 2012, Moorestown Mall.  Click here for Rose Show Results.

WJRS June Meeting, Wednesday, June 20
“Love at First Sight: America’s Affair with the Rose”
This short film from the non-profit organization All-America Rose

Selections (AARS) describes the rose hybridizing process, includes

interviews with some of the world’s top breeders and explains the

AARS program including Test Gardens and how winning roses are


The Andrew M. Stellwag, Sr. Memorial Rose Garden,

photo by Stellwag’s (CLOSED NOW) >

Following the film, we discussed the AARS’s program today and in the future. Join the WJRS as we plan a Rose Garden visit in July to Stellwag’s Hidden Acres Farm in Delran, a local AARS Test Garden.

WJRS Annual Banquet - Wednesday, July 18, Marco’s Restaurant. Click here for more information.

WJRS August Meeting, Wednesday, August 15
A panel of experienced rose growers and exhibitors discussed how to help your roses survive the heat stress of summer, how to prune and deadhead in preparation for the fall rose shows and how to make your garden look great this fall. Tips on the last fertilizing application and continuing a good watering program were also presented.

WJRS member, Tom Mayhew’s Rose Garden
Iliana Okum and Cora Williams also led an arrangement workshop for those interested in exhibiting in the fall rose shows.

Penn-Jersey District Convention & Rose Show, September 14-16, 2012
Eden Resort, Lancaster, PA, hosted by the York Area Rose Society

WJRS September Meeting, Wednesday, September 19
Our guest speaker was Butterfly Expert, Rick Mikula, owner and operator of Hole-In-Hand Butterfly Farm of Hazelton, PA.  Mr. Mikula is an internationally renowned lecturer, author, columnist, butterfly habitat consultant and ‘live butterfly display’ designer. He discussed the importance of butterflies in our rose gardens and how to encourage more butterflies to stop by and visit the garden.

Rick Mikula >
Be sure to visit Rick’s fascinating web site at

WJRS October Meeting, Wednesday, October 17
"Informal In-House Rose Show"
For guidelines and instructions, click here.

WJRS November Meeting - no meeting

WJRS December Meeting, December 19, Holiday Party


WJRS February 16 Meeting: “Opening Up the Rose Garden After Winter - Tips & Tricks”
Have your best rose blooming season yet! At our February 16th meeting, we learned some tips and tricks to give your roses a boost after this snowy winter. A panel of WJRS Consulting Rosarians shared their insights and answered your questions. Some topics discussed included removal of winterizing material, spray options and timing, possible soil amendments and assessing winter damage.

Feb 18-20, 2011:  Penn-Jersey District Mid-Winter Convention. 
Convention held at the Eden Resort, Lancaster, PA. The registration form is posted on the Penn-Jersey District website at

WJRS March 16 Meeting: “Pruning Roses Tips and Tricks and Q&A”
Our own Gus Banks demonstrated the best methods of pruning roses for your garden and for exhibition.

WJRS April 20 Meeting:  WJRS Annual Meeting and “Preparing for WJRS Rose Show Arrangements
& Rose Show Challenge Classes”
At our Annual Meeting, we voted for the members of our Board of

Trustees and discussed matters pertinent to the operation of our

Society.  The April program had your choice of two workshops:
The Arrangement Workshop, given by Sue Gebelein and Iliana Okum,

on specific arranging requirements including changes in niche size.
The Exhibition Workshop, given by ARS Judge Bruce Monroe, about

the different WJRS Challenge Classes and how to prepare entries for

these classes.


Saturday, May 14 10:30 – 1:30  WJRS Rose Day
Magnolia Garden Village
405 S. White Horse Pike, Magnolia, NJ

WJRS May 20 Meeting:  “Rose Fragrances”
What is the first thing you do when you see a rose?  Why, you smell it,

of course!
Brenna Bosch gave a presentation on the classifications of rose

fragrances, discussing why some roses do not have fragrance and

explaining a bit of the history and science of rose fragrances.

Representative cut roses of the different types of fragrances were

also exhibited.

Saturday, May 21 10:00 – 1:00 WJRS Rose Day and Companion Plant Sale
Laurel Oak Garden Center,  Refreshments!
199 Tomlinson Mill Rd, Marlton, NJ

Sunday, May 22 10:30 – 1:00 WJRS Rose Day
Spotts Garden Center
646 Stokes Rd, Medford, NJ
(609) 654-4499


Diane and Brenna with a visitor at WJRS Rose Day >

Saturday, May 28 WJRS Rose Day and Herb Weekend

(Rose talk 11:30 - 12:00)
Triple Oaks Garden Center
2359 S. Delsea Drive, Franklinville, NJ 08322

Saturday, June 4, 2010 - WJRS 58th Annual Rose Show.
Free Admission!  1:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the Macy’s Court at the Moorestown Mall
Thank you members, families and friends for all your help to make the 2011 Rose Show a great success!  With hundreds of entries and hundreds of visitors, we heard the phrase "what beautiful roses!" exclaimed many times throughout the day.

Wayne & Deb Geltz, 2011 WJRS Queen of Show - Veteran’s Honor >

Congratulations to Wayne and Deb Geltz from Littitz, PA for sweeping

the Hybrid Tea Royal Court. Congratulations to the many exhibitors

who won ribbons and trophies for their entries. This year three of

our newer WJRS members successfully exhibited their roses for

the first time and we met several rose lovers who were inspired to

join our society. What a fun day! The memories of this Rose Show

will keep us dreaming of magical blooms yet to come.
 Click here for the WJRS 2011 Rose Show Results

June 2-6
ARS Spring National Convention, Winston-Salem, NC, Hosted by The Winston-Salem Rose Society

WJRS June 15 Meeting: “Invasive Species - Part 1”

Herb Minkus, head gardener at Medford Leas, gave a talk on invasive

species, including rosa multiflora, and  tips on identification, and

explained why certain species are termed invasive. Jane Weston

introduced us to the Medford Leas Campus and described the many

horticultural programs in which Medford Leas and residents

participate. Part 2, to be scheduled at a later date, will include an

optional tour around the Medford Leas Campus with stops at invasive

species areas.

June 24-26
ARS National Miniature Conference and Rose Show, Syracuse, NY. Hosted by the Syracuse Rose Society

Wednesday July 20
WJRS Annual Banquet
Marco’s Restaurant,

Indian Springs Country Club,

Marlton, NJ.

A good time was had by all! 
Click here for banquet information and a list of our generous donors

WJRS August 17 Meeting:  “Recognizing Insects and

Diseases of Roses”
Thrips, and Japanese beetles, and Cane Borers, oh my! 

We found out more about the insects and diseases that love

our roses. Close-ups of these varmints were also included

in this talk and slide show presentation given by Gus Banks,

Master Rosarian

                                                                                                               Uninvited Guest 

September 16-18: Penn-Jersey District Rose Show & Convention
Sheraton Great Valley Hotel, Frazer, PA Click here for more information.

WJRS September 21 Meeting:  “David Austin English Roses for Northern Climates”


WJRS October 19 Meeting: "Informal In-House Rose Show"
Not yet ready to exhibit in the June Rose Show?  Want a chance

to show off the beautiful autumn roses from your garden to

share with the group? All were welcome to bring your blooms

to our informal In-House Rose Show.

All entries were judged and ribbons awarded. Judges answered

questions on the judged entries.

Betsy O’Brien with her Blue Ribbon Winners, October 2010 >

WJRS November 16 Meeting: “Selecting Roses for Success!”
Diane Wilkerson, Consulting Rosarian and American Rose

Society Judge joined us from the Jersey Shore Rose Society. 

Diane discussed buying roses through mail order and through local nurseries, the different rose packaging methods, and tips on how to handle your bought roses before planting.

Ms. Wilkerson, who is our Penn-Jersey District ARS Roses In Review Coordinator, shared with us the American Rose Society “Roses in Review” program.








Bare root roses, waiting to burst into bloom 

WJRS December 21 Meeting:  “Annual Winter Party”
Fun, laughter, good food and excellent prizes shared with your fellow rosarians.







“Santa Claus” miniature rose by Weeks Roses



February 17 Meeting: The Care and Culture of Roses at America’s Oldest Rose Garden

Nicole Juday, Horticulturalist at The Wyck Association, will be our featured speaker.  Ms. Juday will talk about the Wyck’s fabulous National Historic Landmark house and rose garden located in the Germantown area of Philadelphia as well as the rose garden’s history and the preservation of the garden’s historic roses in their 1820 garden plan. 

March 17 Meeting: Photographing Roses and Hummingbirds

ARS award winning photographer, Tom Mayhew, will present a

very interesting PowerPoint presentation detailing how he takes

his wonderful pictures.

April Meeting - Wednesday, April 21
WJRS Annual Meeting and "Famous Women and their Roses"
Come to our Annual Meeting to vote for the members of our Board of Trustees. and stay for an entertaining presentation prepared by Mary Peterson, Master Consulting Rosarian from the New York State District.
Many famous women from the past and present have a rose named after them.  How many can YOU name? Let’s see – Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth Taylor, Agatha Christie, Nancy Reagan, Julia Child, Barbra Streisand, Betty Boop?? Come find out who you missed!


May 1 WJRS Rose Sale Delivery
All ordered roses will be delivered to our distribution point in Hainesport on the morning of May 1, 2010.
Pickup time will be from 9:30 AM to Noon.

May 2, 11 am - 1 pm  Rose Day
Garrisdon’s Garden Center, 111 White Horse Pike (Rt. 30), Clementon, NJ 08021

May 8, 10 am - 1 pm Rose Day
Magnolia Garden Village, 405 S. White Horse Pike (Rt. 30), Magnolia, NJ 08049.

May Meeting - Wednesday, May 19
  "Exhibiting Roses for the Beginner and Intermediate Exhibitor"
In anticipation of our June Rose Show, Bill Kozemchak will talk

about preparing your roses for exhibition. 
Mr. Kozemchak has won numerous exhibiting awards at the local,

district and national American Rose Society Rose Shows and is an

accredited American Rose Society Judge. If you have not exhibited

before, Mr. Kozemchak's tips will make it easy to present your

beautiful treasures at the Rose Show.

May 22-23 Rose Day
Triple Oaks Herb Weekend and Fair, 2359 S. Delsea Drive, Franklinville, NJ 08322


Saturday, June 5, 2010 - WJRS 57th Annual Rose Show.
Free Admission!  1:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the Macy’s Court at

the Moorestown Mall
Hundreds of beautiful, fragrant roses on display.  Unusual

varieties of cut blooms and mini-potted roses for sale.

Information Table for your rose-growing questions
See the official West Jersey Rose Show Schedule or

contact Gus Banks for more information.
Thank you to everyone who exhibited their magnificent roses to make our Show a success.  And thanks to all our visitors whose Oohs and Aahs were a tribute to all our hard work.

 Click here for a full list of awards. Congratulations to our winners!


Sunday, June 6 Philadelphia Rose Society Rose Show
Morris Arboretum, PA
Contact Pat Bilson


Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden at the New York Botanical Garden - Bus Tour
For information and to RSVP: (Terry Palise).  Deadline for reservations is May 12.


Saturday, June 12  Del-Chester Rose Society Rose Show
Longwood Garden, PA -- Contact Elaine Adler -  Entries 6 am-10 am, Judging 10:30 am, Show opens to the public from 1-6 pm


June Meeting - Wednesday, June 16
  "Bees and Roses-An Important Partnership”
South Jersey beekeeper and honey producer, Fred Sanger, will present the latest information on the condition of our local bee population and discuss the importance of the relationship of bees to healthy gardening. Fred has visited with the WJRS in the past and his presentations have been extremely popular.


July Meeting - Wednesday, July 21
  Annual Banquet, Ventura’s Restaurant, Voorhees, NJ 

August Meeting - Wednesday, August 18
  "Old Garden Roses in the Fall"
Kevin Glaes, District Director for the American Rose Society Penn-Jersey District and Consulting Rosarian, will speak to us about taking care of our Old Garden Roses in the Fall . After the lecture, Mr. Glaes will be available to answer any questions about the Penn-Jersey District and its programs and events.

 September Meeting - Wednesday, September 15
“A Visit to the Montreal Botanical Garden’s Rose Garden”
Cyndy Scalf, WJRS Member, Rosarian and Master Gardener, will share photos from her recent visit to this 6+ acre rose garden which received the Award of Garden Excellence in 2003 from the World Federation of Rose Societies. The beautiful garden incorporates rose varieties that thrive in colder climates, old garden roses, shrub roses, varieties that one rarely sees in colder climates, and all accented by wonderful metal sculptures.


September 17-18-19 -- Penn-Jersey District Convention, Lancaster, PA. The program, speakers and the District Rose Show featured excellent information, fabulous roses and good times with friends.  Contact Gus Banks for more information or click here for Show Schedule and information.


Saturday,  October 9, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
 “A Gathering of Gardeners” at Medford Leas.
Save the date for a day-long conference featuring speakers, workshops, lunch, and a chance to walk in the Arboretum. WJRS members Gus Banks and Iliana Okum will be presenting a workshop on “Winterizing Roses and Selecting Hardy Roses for Your Garden”. Admission is $35.

Saturday, October 16
“MACY’s Shop for A Cause”
Tickets will be available at our September meeting.  They are only $5 and entitle you to a 20% discount on many items at any Macy’s store on October 16.  Ticket proceeds benefit the West Jersey Rose Society

October Meeting - Wednesday, October 20, Medford Leas 7:30 pm
"Informal In-House Rose Show"
All are welcome to bring in some roses from your garden to share with the group. Click here for guidelines and instructions
Bring in one container (milk carton, bud vase, etc) for each rose variety. Make note of each rose bloom's name and class. Short forms will be provided to label your entries.
The meeting room will be available at 6:30 pm to members for preparing their entries. There will be members standing by to help with placement in the classes as well as exhibiting references available.
All entries will be judged and ribbons will be awarded. Judges will answer questions on the judged entries.

November Meeting -  Wednesday, November 17, Medford Leas 7:30 pm
"Winterizing Your Rose Bushes"
If your rose bushes look sad and weak after the winter, try winterizing them and they will be heartier and stronger in the spring. Gus Banks, ARS Consulting Rosarian, will share with us his computer presentation on the various options for winterizing roses. This presentation was prepared at the request of the American Rose Society and will be available to ARS members through the ARS website.

December Meeting -  Wednesday, December 15, Medford Leas 7:30 pm
"Winter Party"
Come join us for some laughter and good food with your fellow rosarians. Back by popular demand, our rose-themed game will be Rose Name Pictionary! Bring your holiday cookies to share or bring a winter themed arrangement with some roses for the refreshments table.
We’ll also have some great Holiday gifts!





June 6, 2009: Rose Show at the Moorestown Mall, Rt 38, Moorestown, NJ.  Click here for the Rose Show Results.


June 17, 2009 Meeting: Birds in the Garden.  Guest speaker Hank Wright, owner of A Wild Bird Oasis.


July 15, 2009 Meeting: WJRS Annual Banquet (register by June 30th)


August 19 Meeting: Preparing for the District Convention.  Attendees can choose between a talk on preparing arrangements or a talk on exhibiting roses in the Horticultural division.  The talks will include special tips to get ready for the District Convention, September 11-13, 2009.


September 11-13: Penn-Jersey District Convention,
Holiday Inn, 2175 West Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002.  Phone 1-856-663-5300 Click here for convention information, the Schedule of Events and registration form. An early registration discount is offered up to 8/25/09.

September 12: Penn-Jersey District Rose Show, 1:00-4:30 PM, Holiday Inn, 2175 West Marlton Pike, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002. Phone 1-856-663-5300  This event is FREE and open to the public.


September 16 Meeting: Old Garden Roses. Pat Pitkin will speak on growing and caring for Old Fashioned and Heirloom Roses.  Pat is a Consultant Rosarian for the American Rose Society and is Past President of the Reading/Berks, Philadelphia and Del-Chester Rose Societies.


Saturday, October 17 is the Macys Shop for a Cause, SALE EVENT in Cherry Hill and all over the Nation. So -- plan to go shopping -- use that discount ticket you purchased to support WJRS and take advantage of great savings just before the holidays. We will have a table at the store on


Saturday, October 17, to sell tickets.

October 21 Meeting: Climbing Beauties in the Rose Garden. A Special American Rose Society presentation on Climbing Roses.


November 13 Meeting: Organic Products. Kevin Johnson from Organica will discuss organic products for growing roses. These products are used by some rose exhibitors currently and have helped produce award winning roses.


December 16 Meeting: Christmas Party & Photographic Gallery of Members’ Gardens.

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